I just celebrated my 50th birthday that wasn't a wedding (?) !

The sunrise the morning of my Birthday
It was a party that I would never imagined "throwing" for myself but as fortune would have it our family had a wedding planned that a very brave "Almost Bride-to-Be" decided to cancel.

One of the centerpieces from the party
All the relatives had plane tickets, hotel reservations and planned their vacations around the "almost wedding". Since all was planned we decided to make a few changes and celebrate my impending birthday instead. I felt very self indulgent and was a bit embarrassed doing such a thing. But I had the blessing and encouragement of the "almost bride" a.k.a our daughter.

The plans included friends and family at a sit down dinner with live entertainment and even photographers. A celebration that few of us would have with the exception of a wedding.

Well....I must admit I am so happy I went through with it. It was a wonderful evening of enjoying family and friends, ages 20-99 years old. We danced the night away while enjoying great food and drink. It was an evening I will never forget, one originally not planned for me but truly it was one of the best gifts I have ever received.

So why am I sharing this while I rarely blog into my personal life? To say...
please don't wait for the next wedding to kick off your shoes and have a good time. We should all have reason to celebrate as if it were a wedding. Enjoy and celebrate the family and friends who surround you every day.

Now that all the wedding planning, birthday celebration is finished I return to my everyday life of TEACUPS AND PONIES. I look forward to the new foals due this spring, new projects and catching up on the wonderful world of blogging.
Thanks for visiting and as the song says "Dance Like No One Is Watching" which I did and so happy for it.