this year seems a bit of a BLUR

It just might be all the moments I try to put on my MErRy Go ROuNd :
The last couple of weeks I have:
Celebrated my 30th Wedding Anniversary with the Love of My Life

Attended the marriage of an old friend
Welcomed guests which included:
My darling daughter and her boyfriend who experienced Michigan for the first time ever
My delightful Mother and Father In-Law, I say this from my heart, they are the best in-laws ever!
My husband's older brother and his lovely wife who don't visit us often enough.
and that was just my overnight guests...
We also had many friends that visited us for dinners or just a cocktail (or two)
Then I added:
An impromptu 300 mile visit to my Grandfather who is 100 years old who thought he might die
but has decided not to (thank goodness)

A visit to a new doctor that has resulted in me feeling well for the first time in 6 months.... I am so THANKFUL!

and a new PUPPY(???) named KIX
I feel like a kid who feels like she didn't get enough time riding the MErRy Go RoUNd.
I have neglected my blog and all the wonderful friends that visit, I miss you!
I hope to slow this MeRrY GO RoUnD down, and catch up in the blog world soon.
In the meantime I hope you take time to smell the roses....
(be careful not to step in puppy poop:)

I plan to.