Friday, May 8, 2015

The Blog Looking Glass

This morning I woke up,
let the dog out and turned to go back inside
and looked at my house from the outside in.
It took me back a little...
the sun was shining after a few gray and cloudy days and it lit up my home.

I have seen this many times before but today it was different,

today it made me want to grab my camera and "catch" the feeling
It was a true reflection of how I was feeling.

I have had a few "cloudy" health days in the past few years

but lately the sun is shining more often than not.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Life Is More Fun with Babies...

The Magic of Babies has already visited our farm...

The newest addition is a little filly named 
"Moria Layne"

Friday, January 2, 2015

Shake It UP!!!




I am done trying to NOT complicate my life....

I find I am much happier in the middle of chaos....
 (please remind me of that in a week or two)

I tend to go overboard,

For example, I decorated with poinsettias for Christmas and

Look what happened

LOOK what happened!

I have been a poinsettia slave since Thanksgiving,
lots of watering in the Florida sun
it usually starts with a" mumble grumble" and finishes with "that felt good"


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