Sunday, December 9, 2012

100 Poinsettias

The is the first year I have attempted a "Florida Christmas".
I do miss the snow this time of year.

I feel that snow is just part of the Christmas equation
So...No snow,
No ideas
I don't want to have a cliche Florida Christmas.
Mermaids riding alligators just don't do it for me.

Palm trees are pretty with lights but...
 climbing all the way the palm trees sounds very scary
 even if I would have someone else do the climbing.
I'll leave the climbing to someone else.

SO what is a northern girl to do???
Palm trees are out

Alligators are out

Sorry Mermaids you are out too
 (but only at Christmas time)

So...Project Poinsettia!

 poinsettias "say" Christmas to me.

So I persuaded my son-in-law a
 native Floridian to help me with this project.

I simply asked him to go and get 100 Poinsettias.

Raised eyebrows would be an understatement.
Although he should be getting
used to my mild craziness after 3 years.

Off he went returning with the requested 100 poinsettias,
several flats of white inpatients and he found the most
beautiful purple bougainvilleas I have ever seen.

He planted everything
making for a thrilled mother-in-law.
(Thank you Chris)

I love my "green" Christmas decorations.
I even have solar lights along the
sidewalk to illuminate my Christmas Fun.
Making my decorations politically correct:)

I think I will be able to make it this year without snow,
although I think every other year in
 Florida might be my "cup of tea".
I have been absent from my blog
 too long for my liking but as you know
 life comes before blogging.
I know I promised you a continued
tour of our farm.  I will fulfill
that promise but I thought I would
sneak in a little Christmas
before it passes us by.
Thanks for your visit!
Enjoy the Season,


La Table De Nana said...

Happy Holidays ..everything looks beautiful:-)

Anonymous said...

I love the poinsettias parade!!!!!! The flowers look beautiful. I have missed blogging also but I'm back and posting randomly!!! Hope to see you come by! I'm not gypsy mermaid anymore I changed it to gypsy owl
Anywho merry christmas!


wendy said...

Did I miss something...did you move to Florida??
That whole role of poinsettas is amazing.
Made me think of a funny story from when I was visiting my family in Utah for Thanksgiving.
I was with my daughter and 5 yr old grandaughter, and I bought a poinsetta to take to the cemetary for my son.
My grandaughter was not impressed, she said "that's not a flower, That's just leaves"

Cameron said...

One hundred poinsettias! Now that is a Christmas statement!

Just beautiful :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

KELLEY! Now, I think I am with ya in that it would take a while for me to get used to the idea AGAIN of living in a warm climate during the holidays! I grew up in S. California where DREAMS of snow and cold were only a dream until my husband and I moved back east 26 years ago. We now live in the midwest and we have our share of snow and MAGIC....but I hope you are enjoying the warmth of your family and friends. YOU MUST MISS THE HORSES?????

Thank you so much for coming to visit me! Anita

Roxanne Reinhart said...

I love it!! Great way to bring Christmas to the tropics! Looks beautiful


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