Monday, March 31, 2008

Happiness Taken for Granted

I have just returned from visiting A Fanciful Twist and Vanessa's Blog. She weaves a wonderful story about dreams and happiness. A question posed "what makes you happy" ? Happiness is all around us but we must recognize it. I have been guilty of taking happiness for granted lately. I had to be reminded in a harsh manner that happiness is not to be expected but appreciated and honored. This is a story I had not intended to share. This time of year is always very busy for me with delivering foals and taking care of their and the mares needs both before and after the miracle of birth. I have been doing this for 20 years and perhaps became somewhat callused to the process. So I have been given a "wake up and smell the coffee" moment. The last 2 weeks have brought 3 foals into the world. The first birth of the season brought great heartache when the foal died after a full term pregnancy, a first for me ever. I have always been able to sustain life in a questionable situation. Details aren't needed but it has taught me that happiness is everywhere even if we have grown accustomed to the landscape. So I have celebrated with great happiness the arrival of 2 life filled foals with a renewed sense of awe. So enjoy every happiness even if it is a familiar happiness. I am happy to have you meet our 2 latest additions.

On Top-"Chick" at 8 days and "Commando" at 24 hours

Thanks Vanessa for your story and gentle reminder that we do control our own happiness.




vickie said...

Kelley, so sad, big hugs for you. I hope the mare is ok. Chic and Commando are beautiful and so cute.
They are pictures of happiness.

Kelly said...

Found out you hearted me on etsy and landed me to your blog. HOw sweet those foals are and what heartache you must have felt when one passed. The poor mare is probably... i can only imagine. Yes, life is precious, thanks for the reminder.

I have tons of tea cups to donate ifyouare interested in them. They will be free (some of them are worth $$) convo me through etsy and we'll set something up.


Linda S said...

Your story is touching...the foals are so sweet! we have even more in common...i do mosaics (backspalsh, planters)...more whimsical than classic like yours. nice meeting you on Snooty Woman's club!


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