Welcome to Teacups and Ponies and tonight it's more ponies than teacups one of our mares is showing signs of foaling this evening so I am off to the farm for Foal Watch.

Stop by Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound to visit all the Pink Saturday bloggers. Have fun!
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Beautiful Post! Love your horseshoes! You will have to post picture of your newest little one once it arrives! My neighbor down the road usually has babies this time of the year also. We love to take an evening drive just to see them out with their mommy. She has told me that she has spent many of a night sleeping in the barn just for that special occassion. Hope all goes well!
Happy Pink Saturday!
THat horseshoe is beautiful. Happy pink Saturday
I only saw horseshoes displayed on top of a door for good luck. But I never saw them like these. I thought for a second they were necklaces, but when I read your post and looked closely - well you look at that. :-)
Happy Pink Saturday!
That is the prettiest horseshoe I have ever seen! Love it! HPS!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Very unique and pretty post!
Good luck to you too!
~ Gabriela ~
good morning, gorgeous horseshoe. come by my blog and sign up for my give away when you get a minute,
happy pink saturday.
Love the bling!
Have a great Pink Saturday!
just the best horseshoes EVER
hApPy PiNk SaTuRdAy!
I have a few horseshoes, but none as fun as yours! Happy Pink Saturday!
Pretty horseshoes! Happy Pink Day!
That horseshoe is just beautiful! I hope you post a picture of your newest arrival. This would have been my horse, Barbie's 37th birthday today. She passed two years ago so it brings joy to my heart to hear of another horse being born on her birthday.
I just ♥ Pink Saturday. I am able to visit some gorgeous blogs, see loads of pink-a-licious goodies and have a wonderful morning to start the weekend. Thanks!
New life...isn't it wonderful?!
What a great idea for a good luck piece. Horseshoes aren't very pretty, so its good to dress them up!!
Good luck with the new baby, and post pictures!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I would imagine that by now you are a new mommie to the cutest baby foul. Happy Pink Saturday and your shoehorse is gorgeous, Char
Happy Pink Saturday and have a great first weekend of Spring ~ Susan
your horseshoes are wonderful! good luck with the foal-it must e wonderful to experience something like that!! happy pink week!
The horse shoe is incrediable and very beautiful. I would love one of these. Happy Pink Saturday.
really great!
happy pink
goodness god, that is so beautiful. I want one too! any idea where to get it? happy PS!
Is the new baby here yet? How exciting.
Happy Pink Saturday. Your horseshoes are fantastic.
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