Each week a new subject matter is posted and each member posts their interpretation of the theme.
Some weeks the themes is simple such as a color or an object. The more challenging weeks the subject is more abstract.
This week the subject is Time and Age.
While at work yesterday (I always laugh when I call it work because I love what I do) let's change that ...while I was at the farm yesterday I realized I was surrounded by
Time and Age

The Blacksmith profession has changed very little over hundreds of years.
The modern computer age can't replace the Farrier and I don't imagine it will change much in the next several hundred years.
Time and Age

The oldest member of our Brood Mare Band
Miss CC Wilson
Her first born, Captains Choice, just won the NCHA Eastern Nationals, Congratulations Captain!
She is 21 years young and still possesses all the fire she did in her younger years. Still a handful and I am sure time won't change that.
Time and Age
The pot belly stove that sits in my office. Time has changed this...yes it is nice to just turn up the thermostat and have instant heat but the "glamour" of heat is gone.
Time and Age
A Draft Horse Harness that now purposes as a mirror. Time and the tractor have taken over most of the work of the Draft Horse but it still nice to reflect on the past.
Time and Age
A Longhorn skull stands guard over the breezeway from my office to the barn.
It reminds me of the true cowboys of the past that are the foundation of Cutting, the horses that we raise and compete with are Cutting Horses.
Time and Age
The more things change the more they stay the same???
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