A Carnton Ghost Story???

The most famous ghost is the restless soldier who has been seen walking through the house and across the back porch. Some visitors have reported that he has been spotted a few times marching around the perimeter of the yard. Everywhere that he goes, the sound of his heavy boots accompanies his wandering.
The ghost has been joined at the house by the spirit of a former cook, of whom an anomalous photo was taken years ago showing her hovering head in the hallway,

it is believed to be Caroline herself,

Although staff members don't mention the many ghosts on their tours, they are often asked about them by visitors....
some of whom claim to hear heavy walking or who have seen a phantom soldier in one of the bedrooms.
If you would like to learn more I have added this youtube link that gives you a peek into the home and tells about the WIDOW OF THE SOUTH
All photos are from the Carnton Archives and Flickr friends-Thank You!