I posted about my visit to the Carnton Plantation recently
and I am still thinking about it.

Many of you expressed some of the same interests that I have so

Have a seat on the front porch and I will share just a couple more things..
and...Maybe a little ghost story or two
I was fascinated with this painting
It has a surreal look to it
the photo doesn't do it justice
it had a "feeling" when you looked at it

It is the deceased children of John and Carrie McGavock ages 12,6 and 3 months
The original hangs in the master bedroom at Carnton

I was unaware that paintings of that time period featured portraits of the deceased floating above clouds

A Carnton Ghost Story???

The most famous ghost is the restless soldier who has been seen walking through the house and across the back porch. Some visitors have reported that he has been spotted a few times marching around the perimeter of the yard. Everywhere that he goes, the sound of his heavy boots accompanies his wandering.
The ghost has been joined at the house by the spirit of a former cook, of whom an anomalous photo was taken years ago showing her hovering head in the hallway,

it is believed to be Caroline herself,

there also the spirit of a girl killed in the 1840's and a ghost who is fond of breaking glass.

Although staff members don't mention the many ghosts on their tours, they are often asked about them by visitors....
some of whom claim to hear heavy walking or who have seen a phantom soldier in one of the bedrooms.
If you would like to learn more I have added this youtube link that gives you a peek into the home and tells about the WIDOW OF THE SOUTH
All photos are from the Carnton Archives and Flickr friends-Thank You!
Hearing stories kinda gives you that thrill but oohhhhh I don't think I want to experience it. The pictures of the shadows look creepy.
I just love the old Plantation houses! And that porch! I would love to have a big porch like that. We built a Colonial with the little porch in the front.
Thank you for more history, The pictures are beautiful!
Exquisite post! Mother & I took a tour from VA to south S.C. going from one plantation to another & had a ball. Those sweeping porches & porticos beckon to one on a hot summer day. History abounds & captivates one who visits these divine beauties. TTFN ~ Marydon
Oooooooo! Delicious and creepy!
What a great post! I love old homes, history, and ghost stories! This was such fun-thanks for sharing!!!
I just watched the video...I can't believe she dug up all of those soldiers and moved them to her back yard!!!
"The Widow of the South" will be my new best friend for the next couple of weeks...I'm going to purchase it!
I also watched another video that was related to it...the first owners wife was from Louisiana!
I just KNEW I'd love that place!
Now...I'm wondering why the front door isn't centered with the porch...hmmm. Let me go read some more about this...
oh, and thank you for getting me hooked on this Kelley!
Maybe we should start some blogging days such as...
Majestic Homes Monday
Totally Forgetten Tuesday
Widows of War Wednesday
Thriving Plantations Thursday
Freaky Places Friday
Okay, I quit...I couldn't help myself...I just LOVE this stuff!
everything vintage
Hi Kelley! I'm so happy you are going to join us for the WBC party. I really think it's going to be fun!
My Desert Cottage
Oh goodness! It's dark and late and I shouldn't have read this post...now I'm scared, LOL! :) What a beautiful place. I think I'd be scared to stay there, though. Ghostie stuff really does scare me!!
I loved this post! I was wondering about the ghosts in that place when I read your post about it the first time.
I would love to go there in person.
I just got my book in the mail today. I can't wait to start reading it. So interesting!
Thanks for introducing us to this wonderful piece of history.
Hi - stopped in to visit - interesting stories and pictures about ghosts!oooooooooooOOOOOOooooo!
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