“Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”.

I think it starts early, look at these foals, guess which one is the colt and which one is the filly.
Well, we have a case of Mars Vs. Venus going on in our house right now.
I hate to place blame but…
I think my Blogger Block is due to Mr. Mars, bless his little heart.
(I have learned from my southern friends that you can say anything about anybody if you just follow it by “bless his little heart”:)
Let me set the stage:
We live in Northern Michigan where Spring takes it sweet time showing up, the snow is gone but the green is yet to return. Everything outside is bland.

So I tend to take a little artistic license embellishing the boring, it is kinda like coloring outside the lines.
Yesterday was a very interesting example. We were at our farm and I took pictures of the new foals taking their morning nap. Very cute yes but…they are lying in dirt with a pile or two of manure scattered about so I take the image of the cute lady like filly and put her in a happy wonderland.

I am very excited to show Mr. Mars and when I do he says “I don’t like that AT ALL”. I am crushed I asked “why” response “because you can’t do that”.
“WHAT ???????????”
Hmmmm now I must add this is a man who treats me like a queen.
I never want for anything be it affection or adventure but this has confirmed he is from Mars.
Then I reflect on the last couple of weeks and laugh because I see that my “coloring outside the lines” hasn’t had much exposure to anyone other than Mr. Mars. This brings me to another issue about living in Northern Michigan is that most everyone leaves during the winter months so my crafting partners in crime, my crafting therapists are gone until May.
Here is a recap of the Mars Vs. Venus adventure the last couple of weeks:

Venus-"Look I am making mosaic cakes."
Mars-"Why? You can’t eat them."

Venus-"Look what I did with plastic eggs!"
Mars-"What do you do with them?"

Venus-"Look at my new garland and the bling I added to my teacups!"
Mars-"Why does it have lights on it? It isn’t Christmas time."
Then yesterday I” fooled around” with the horse pictures which pretty much pushed Mr. Mars over the edge which in turn had me doubting my endeavors. Well Mr. Mars...

WHEW! I feel much better getting that off my chest and I would like to extend a little peace offering.
A picture straight out of the camera:)
Girl power to all those crafters from Venus!
Brilliant, funny, endearing, perfect, so Venus, charming....I can't think of enough words, and I am a language teacher....Kelly, your world is colorful, even without the enhancements (which I might add are magnificent, fabulous...) and bless his little heart...I have a Martian at home as well that just tickles me with his same questions...."why did you......."
you are so talented, frankly you are out of this world for sure!
i keep scrolling up and down, so much to take in, don't bother showing your husband, just give it straight to us, we get it all!
those teacups, egads you are out of the box and fun!
love it all! would you like to share your pics at my other blog food with style? you don't have to do a thing, i will just borrow pics to share there~ you have soooooo many great ideas i am humbled...
Well, I'm a Venus girl and I loved them all. I had to click on the word to get the picture to appear and wait but I loved them. I have been not so well of late, will post about it in a day or two. Take care :D
KELLY!!! Oh how wonderful of you to come by and have a slice of cake...keep your crown dearest, which ever one you choose! PAWTY TIME....and if that little filly comes on my birthday, oh do, do call her Anita! :)))))))) Or at least, give her a little squeeze for me if her mummy allows it!
Much happiness to yo on this glorious Minnesota spring day! Anita
Oh Kelley! I am so glad I found you again, I must put you on my blog list. (found you from your post on Anita's blog where she is hosting a birthday party for us April girls) Your photos are deliciously beautiful!!! As are your mosaics. I am wondering what blogger template you use that allows these large photos? Wonderful. ANd I love your tea cups over that... window? My husband does not 'get' me either, but that's okay, and I can do whatever I want in my studio : )
I have loved horses since a child... but only enjoy them through others that have them. They are the first beautiful thing I tried to draw. I wanted a horse and a collie ... like Lassie, but instead have 2 Afghan Hounds, which kinda is like having dogs and horses combined : )
So refreshing and fun to have popped in for a visit this morning!
Thank you,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I don't know why I have not joined your blog. It is beautiful. Your photo's are wonderful.
I love it! This is so funny and soooo true:). I love the pics of the horses-they are beautiful.
All of us Venus' get it just fine. I love what you did and I'm sure if the foals could see the photos they would certainly agree! I think the picture of the foal amidst all the posies is so darling! Oh yes, and the one of Mr Mars too!
LOL,,so true,,gotta love men,,martians,,,totally,,,but they do give us something to talk about...My favorite one lately is
"what do you want that for"
Another happy Venitian
I love your beauties, what a lovely life with horses.
What a fun post to read, love what you've done with your photos! So creative and Springy. It doesn't hurt that your colts are so adorable! The photo of Mr Mars is priceless with his horse giving him some love. Ahhhh!
Wow Kelly!
Oh my goodness your site is beautiful! I love the pictures and everything .
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my first blog. I'm loving the blogging world and finding it a little overwhelming.
It was so much easier bfore Jodie tapped me on the shoulder and said, "you can do this!" Now I get to see and be inspired by the beautiful work of so many talented women.
Sheri @ Blooms to Heirlooms
Wow Kelly!
Oh my goodness your site is beautiful! I love the pictures and everything .
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my first blog. I'm loving the blogging world and finding it a little overwhelming.
It was so much easier bfore Jodie tapped me on the shoulder and said, "you can do this!" Now I get to see and be inspired by the beautiful work of so many talented women.
Sheri @ Blooms to Heirlooms
Hi Kelly!
I left you a comment and my computer gave me the message that it had to be approved by the owner of the site --- never heard of that before! So I hope you got my note.
Such a fabulous blog! Your photos are stunning. You go girl!
So funny!!!
Love your post Kelley~~and that beautiful studio too!!
Each photo and project are fab!!
Make sure and have Mr. Venus see how mnay of us left a commenttoo!!
I love evereything Kelley!!
still laughing about Mr. Mars comments~~~
Kay Ellen
Kelly, YOu have a gorgeous blog! I love the broken china cakes! I have tried my hand at broken china and I love it. I am a new follower! So beautiful!
So happy to meet you !
OOOO, love your blog! I love your mosaics, your horses, your teaparty stuff and your studio! It's so neat-- how do you do it?? Mine's a mess ;))
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