Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Invite You Into the Hot Tub Room

One of my resolutions this year
 is to take one online class each month.
I am happy to say I have kept my resolution,
O.K. I know it's only the second day of the year but celebrate while you can

Big Picture Classes

This month I am taking Picture Winter class by Tracey Clark  
Each day you are assigned a component of Winter to photograph.

New Year's Day assignment...RELAX
Well I am not able to photograph me relaxing
so I went to where I relax...THE HOT TUB ROOM

I am sure you envision

Hot bubbly water,
steam escaping from the warm wonderland,
the sound of jets ready to massage my tired muscles

My hot tub room has none of this...

It does have 

a ceramic deer with antlers adorned with necklaces that WELCOMES You

the plants that I try to "winter"
 and have them bloom again next season
(and usually I am successful at it)

A flat surface that is perfect place 
where I can stand and do projects
and have several projects going on at one time
(is that a good thing?)

A wicker cart, filled with paints
that can follow me to what ever project I am working on

I am sure many of you are thinking why in world
 would anyone do that to a beautiful 6 person hot tub?

Easy answer:
I find that making crafts is a lot more relaxing
than sitting in a hot tub.

When we purchased our house we were
 filled with excitement that it had a hot tub
but we found we didn't use it much.

So now it is a mini Greenhouse

and a crafts paradise.

For some silly reason I find comfort knowing that I could clean up my messes,
turn on the hose and once again it would be the room that is was intended to be.

You are welcome to come "Hot Tubing" with me anytime
but please don't tell my Mother what a mess it is:)

Wishing you a year that is filled with
love, laughter. health and lots of creativity!



Sandy said...

Personally, I find that a darn good idea. You can walk around creating to your hearts content. I have one of those sitting out in my yard... it's loaded with leaves and, the view is killer, but...who cares when you never use it.....wish it were loaded with crafts. Smart girl, to you I say! And, I won't tell your Momma... lol Have fun crafty. xoso Sandy

Zaa said...

Ha Ha .. I'm laughing so hard...Bravo for thinking out of the box... Hee hee... Brilliant idea !!!! ..It's a great space for being creative with all that beautiful light ... and you know the plants are probably appreciating the tub way more than you....Moms the word... HUGS

Kay Ellen said...

I love it!! Fab idea Kelley!!
Can't wait to see your finshed project:))

Happy New Year sweet friend!!

You go crafty gilr!!


La Table De Nana said...

It's anice bright room perfect for crafts..I knew it was leading to something when I saw a partial Mod Podge jar:) Big fan here:)
And I love crafting..

Not a big fan of Hot tubs.. so I am with you:)

But it's there if you want it..and if ever you sell:)

Someone will see themselves in it also!

Cute post!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I SO AGREE! A craft table, and everything necessary to CREATE is more relaxing than a hot tub....a hot tub is great for soothing aching muscles, but BRING ON THE MODGE PODGE!!! Have a lovely day dearest, Anita

The French Maid said...

I just had the best time perusing your pretty blog...I'm now following!
--Lee Ann

La Petite Gallery said...

I imagine a hot tub is a lot of maintenance, I think thats why I never had one. a pool was enough.
Happy new year, good luck on your new resolutions.


Anonymous said...

What an awesome room for crafts and art with all that wonderful light streaming it. The fact that your craft room's table has a hot tub in it is just an extra bonus. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

ROFL!!!! I also have a hot tub. The funny thing is that my hot tub room started out as a greenhouse but I ran out of room for many more plants and decided that I needed to soak my sore muscles so I bought the hot tub! Now we hardly ever get in it. Each time we find the time to get in it we will vow that we should not skip a day but before you know it a month has passed!

I have also used mine as a table for a great many projects, from brooding baby chicks to building a doll house to painting furniture! It is the perfect height for walking around! Holds a lot too!

I love your blog!!

janis said...

Ohhh... I finally know what to do with the hot-tub we never use! Thanks for the tip :) (Perfect height! You are a smart one!


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