Last night the Magic returned to the Farm.
At 11:56 p.m. the first foal of 2011 was born.

Now I introduce you to "Stinky Dirty Levis" a.k.a "Stinky"
I am sure you are thinking what an awful name for such a sweet face.
I must admit that I had a nicer name picked out but then...
I met "Stinky"
I must defend myself a little bit concerning the name.
Traditionally horses are named with the parents names in mind.
The mare is "Dual Me Dirty"
The sire is "Smart Little Levi"
thus "Stinky Dirty Levis".
This foal told me who he is from the minute I walked into the stall.
(I have mostly retired from the actual foaling of the mares,
after 30 years it is nice to sleep through the night during foaling season)
He really didn't want his picture taken.
He was using his ears and tail to do his talking.
Ears back and tail swishing.
He actually wanted to give me a shot from this end.
So that nice little name I was thinking about
went out the window.
Regardless of this little "stinker's" attitude the fact that he is
here is truly magical.
A little miracle every time it happens.
So let the Magic continue!