I would love to introduce you to "Cutter"

Don't be fooled by that face!!!
What a cutie pie he is and most likely that is why he is still living in "his happy home".
My husband says "he is the Best Worst Dog we have ever had".
He owns us, yes we are owned by a 8 pound Yorkie, a.k.a. The Yorkshire Terrorist
He is the King of the House.

never mind we have "Sailor" a 90 pound Doberman

and "Abbey" an Aussie, (a lady never tells her weight).
They both quake when he walks by and the humans jump at his every request.
How did this happen??? Both my husband and I can command respect from a 1000 pound horse but...we are not even close to getting this little guy to "follow the rules".

Now I know this is not an excuse but...
I have heard this story from many a Yorkie owner.
What are we all crazy???
Oh I think so but...

Look at that face...it is like living with a cartoon character in your house.
A little bit muppet
A little bit Yosemite Sam
A little bit Barney Rubble
I am forever spoiling him, on one of my outings I found any empty dog basket
and of course I knew "Cutter" had to have it.

Home it went and out came the bling.

The King has a new throne and as usual he is less than impressed
but that's okay I am still one of his happy subjects.

The Best Worst Dog of course is my little BFF and sometimes we just have to put up with
a few compromises in the name of friendship.
I know all the animal lovers out there "get it"
and I am happy to be in your company!
Thanks for visiting!