Friday, August 14, 2009

A Family Get Together

Late days of summer are full of trying to get "everything" in.

This weekend we are having a family get together before all the "kids

(are they still kids in their 20's???) return to college.

I always imagine visiting with family over a lazy cup of tea.


The scene is lacy, serene and airbrushed.

Snacking on the fruits of the season.


Vintage linens, teacups a gentle breeze and our little Pinkies up!

Well...probably NOT going to happen.

We will go at break neck speed to try to do everything,

eat everything and PLEASE EVERYONE:)

I do know that we will have our traditional

BREAKFAST TACOS for Sunday breakfast


1 potato per person, peeled and dice

Onion diced

Bacon-as much as you would like! diced

1-2 eggs per person

Flour tortillas

Garnishes: Cheddar cheese-shredded and Picante sauce

Saute bacon, add onion and potatoes, cook until browned. Transfer to bowl. Scramble eggs in the same pan. Just before eggs are done add potato mixture Serve on warmed flour tortilla and top with garnish.

For Sunday dinner we will have

steak pinwheels stuffed with cheese, peppers and scallions.


And hopefully everyone lives happily ever after!!!!





Tara said...

The reality is always different from the fantasy! I hope one day you get your peaceful, sedate tea party. Until then, I hope they all have a great year at school!

Regina said...

A lovely family time.
Beautiful photos.
Have a great summer
and weekend.

The Victorian Parlor said...

Yummm!!! I am so hungry now! The food looks delicious! Love the picture of the teacup-very pretty:). Hope you have a wonderful family gathering!



Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Oh my gosh could I miss this post? I didn't see an update! I hope you had a great time with your family!!!
I love it when you said "please everyone" that really possible? I know with my is NEVER possible! ;) But everything sounded so delightful here, I'm sure it was "Kelley Perfection"!
everything vintage


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