Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Once Upon a Bread Box

Many of us can remember the ever present Bread Box on the kitchen counter. Every kitchen of yesteryear had one to store baked goodies. I can remember visiting my grandparents and running to open the bread box to discover what yummies were hiding there. My grandparents had a sweet tooth so usually there were more cookies than bread but that suited me just fine.

Where did the bread box go??? I am sure it went the way of the milk box on the front porch and the Charles Chips man delivering potato chips. My, I am dating myself.

I spied a bread box at a recent sale and was instantly drawn to it, it sat there all alone passed by everyone but me. It certainly had seen better days but I knew some of my fondest memories were triggered by this beat up, rusty box. Now you can only imagine the reactions I got when I brought it home, yes they thought I was crazy and what ever was I going to do with such a thing.

Well I didn't have a clue but I just had to bring it home. It sat in the garage for several months just waiting for it's new life. Yesterday it was brought to life once again, I threw together some wallpaper, buttons and ribbons and now it has a new home in my kitchen. I know we are not going to make it in Architectural Digest but I am pretty happy with it.

I can only imagine the stories it could tell. Once a shiny brand new bread box that I am sure was proudly displayed on a kitchen counter...fast forward 50 years or so and once again it is proudly displayed in my kitchen.

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Jodie (everything vintage) said...

You are SUCH a hero! You saved that sweet little bread box from trash eternity!
It's beautiful and I love the way you can see life in things that people just past by without even a second look.
This will be another thing for me to look for at yard sales...I could certainly use it as a storage box for lots of art goodies!
Thanks for the inspiration!!!!
everything vintage

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Bread box.. yeah.. I remember my late grandmother used to have one in her kitchen.. and I love going there and peek whats inside.. and yours are pretty.. especially when you already prettified the box.. :-)

have a good week!

Sandra Evertson said...

That is Fabulous!
Sandra Evertson

Stephanie O. said...

Just read all about you @ Jodie's Everything Vintage and had to head over for a little visit...Love your blog...


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