Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Father That Will Be Very Missed

This Father's Day is different from all the others:

Today a very special friend
 is facing this Fathers Day without her Father.

Her loss is so recent.
Today is the First Day without her Father in her Life.

Very few people have the relationship this special friend had with her Father.

Their relationship was the GOLD STANDARD.

I am one of the fortunate ones that still has her father to wish
"Happy Father's Day"
 making this day more appreciated than ever.

I am at a loss for helping this friend.

I wish I could make it easier.
I am and will be there for her.

 Her youngest daughter is our God Daughter.
I am and will be there for her.

I am not experienced at such things.
I welcome your thoughts.

to all the Daddies,
 here on earth and in Heaven.


Anne said...

Kelley what beautiful photos. It's something your friend has to go through and it sounds like your already helping by just being there for her. Good luck to your friend.

Kaybe said...

Hi Kelley,
I love your blog. I'm not sure why I haven't been here sooner. It sounds like your friend has a great shoulder to lean on in you. There is really nothing to say or do but just let your friend go through the grief process and be there for her. Love looks like something - in this case it looks like a caring friend. Take good care.

Lisa Gordon said...

This is so very sad.
Being there is the very best thing you can do.
You are a kind and caring friend.


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