Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The First Foal of the Season!

The magic is back!

Meet "Patrick"
Monday morning the first foal of the season was born.
An event that is always filled with excitement and awe.

Since I am in Florida this year and the farm is in Michigan
we put our cameras that are in the barn "on line".

So I was able to see little "Patrick" being born.
under the supervision of my "Fairy Barn Manger", Jona. 

Today was the first day he went outside to try those 
amazing little legs and see all what they can do. 
Jona sent this video this morning.

Guaranteed to make you smile.
Just click on the arrow, bottom left on the screen. 

So much for letting my pictures do all the "talking":)
But...I am so passionate about these "little miracles" I just had to share.

Thanks for visiting!


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Time to Retreat

It is time for me to RETREAT.
I am having to put many things I love "on the back" shelf,
in hopes that in doing so will result in a
"better, and healthier, than ever" self.

One of the things I love is my little blog. 
I love all the friends I have made in "blogland".
I love sharing parts of my little world.
I love taking pictures. 
I love editing my pictures

But as so many of you know you can become
consumed  about what you are going to post.
You start seeing your world as a "blog post".

And so many of you know that takes a lot of time to 
pouf, poof, "proof"
and sometimes wonder if anyone really cares.

So for now along with 
eating out at restaurants
social commitments
walks on the beach 
 extensive blogging 
is being put on "hold".

I am going to try the
 "Readers Digest" version of blogging.

I plan to continue to share what I see behind the camera
but my pictures will have to "speak" for themselves for a while.

They say "a picture is worth a thousand words". 

As always thanks for your visit.
Wishing you much health and happiness.



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