Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Healthy New Year!

Yes the New Year is here and there is more of me than last year. I seem to be wearing a couple of bagels around my middle, pecan pie under my chin...O.K. you get the picture. is time to reverse my evil ways and drop a bit of weight, (I must admit I am not obsessed with my weight) part of the problem and....I LOVE GOOD FOOD. So the how can I have my bagels and eat them too. Well I have a lot of respect for the Weight Watchers program, it does work and for the most part the food is really good. So I am on a mission to find yummy foods that will work for my Weight Watchers Program (notice I didn't say diet) . This is my latest find and it is yummy, and my husband (who has NO weight issues, but is very particular about his food) thinks it's pretty good too. So for your next get together or just to have on hand for a snack. I hope you
like it too!

4 cups Fresh Spinach
1/2 cup Light Sour Cream
1/2 cup Fat Free Cream Cheese
1/4 cup Greek Feta Cheese
3 Green Scallions
Juice of 1/2 Lemon

Adapted from Weight Watchers
1 point per serving, approx. 3 Tablespoons

In a saucepan filled with water bring to boil and stir spinach for 1 minute.Drain and run cold water over spinach. Squeeze spinach to get as much water out as possible.

Combine all other ingredients and put in blender, top with spinach and puree until well blended. Salt and Pepper to taste.

I Hope You ENJOY!



Anonymous said...

I'm taking this recipe with me to the grocery next week! YUMMO!

On The Way... said...

I just purchased the ingredients so I can make it for that hungry time of the day for me - 4PM! I was lucky enough to have had it served to me, by the cook herself, so I can vouch for it's wonderful flavor. My grandchildren even loved it and that say's alot!


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