Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Not As Easy As It Looks

I have found creating and photography
are two very different art forms.

I always thought if I created something
it would be easy to show it to others
 just by taking a picture of it.
Well, I found something gets
lost in the translation.

Currently I am taking a class called
Picture Winter.
Each day we get an assignment
we try it out,
we post our pictures in the "classroom"
and critique each others work.

I must admit that I haven't been
excited about all the assignments. 
For example a couple of days
ago the assignment was
let's face it
how many of us
have said
"just a minute I need to take a picture of "COLD"

Being the good student I am
I went to complete my assignment
with a couple clicks here and there
and this is the result

Now I know I would have NEVER EVER
 taken these pictures without my class assignment.

I actually like them
Surprise, surprise! 

Creating Vs. Photographing
This has always been a challenge for me.

Today's assignment is CENTER OF ATTENTION.
I thought I would apply today's assignment  to
photographing my art. 

This is what my very wise teacher, Tracey Clark
stated in today's assignment
that "clicked' with me.
Sorry I couldn't resist

"Keeping the background super-simple (yet still maintaining a sense of place and not just shooting against a bare wall) holds our focus on his stance and the way the light subtly outlines his shape. A simple centering of your subject can be effective. Even still, don't lose sight of what is all around your subject. It can make a lot of difference in the end."

I have a few examples of my frustration
the so called "Before and After"

When I photographed this collage, several days ago
I wasn't pleased with the result.


The Before

This is the photo I took today.

I made this mannequin over a year ago
and once again the picture was a disappointment.


I have lots of room for improvement
but I think you CAN teach an
old dog new tricks.

Thanks for visiting,
I'll stop by and say "hi" soon!.



Julie Harward said...

I like them too...doesn't it just make you grateful for our eyes..so much to been noticed and seen and captured! ;D

La Table De Nana said...

I'll have to look and look because your before and afters speak volumes..Beautiful cold pics too..Thanks!

You are really good at all things artistic.

Cameron said...

Those after pics are gorgeous! Looks like now photographing and creating are one and the same!

Nice job!

Marianne said...

How fun that you are taking a photography class. I once did one too, and our assignment was to take a picture of the four tastes (sweet, salty, sour and bitter). Most people took four related pictures, I ended up doing them all in one.
Learned a lot in that class. Also learned a lot from photography blogs.
Have fun with your camera!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH KELLY!!!! DO YOU KNOW SUZANNE FROM Privet and Holly? She just posted on the same subject! I HAVE JUST LEARNED SO MUCH FROM the both of you this morning! I love how you provided the before and after shot of your mannequin. I can see exactly what you are saying! I NEED SUCH A CLASS!!!!! BRAVO DEAREST! Anita

Custom Comforts said...

I think your photos are great! And I also think the process at this point is more important than the photography. My photoshop class was more art ed than learning how to use the software. I was frustrated with that at the time, but now I can look back and see how much he taught me to "think outside the box". Anyone can learn technique, it's the thinking process that is the real learning curve. You're doing great! Enjoy the process and someday you'll look back and see how far you've come in all areas.

Privet and Holly said...

You KNOW that I
am very interested
in this topic...
And I just love your
"after pics;" they
are simply amazing,
Kelley! I wish you
would have explained
what you did to arrive
at a different outcome,
especially with the
picture and the mannequin.
{Besides the background.}
Different settings on
your camera, such as
aperture, ISO, etc?
Different lens?
Please, share your
secrets, wise one : ) !!
Thanks so much for the
xx Suzanne

Privet and Holly said...

You have No-REPLY to BLOGGER
as your e-mail address on
comments, so I wanted to
pop back over and reply, here.
YOU are so funny. And yes, I bet we could grab a cup of java and
chat away without missing a beat!! Have a wonderful weekend : )
xx Suzanne

PS: Couldn't find an e-mail
for you on your page or profile.
Maybe I'm too tired, this morning!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


I see my pal Suzanne came by twice! YIPEE! She is wonderful. I am seeing her today! THANK YOU FOR YOUR INSPIRING comments my dear..yes, I need a lot of rest. I keep going and going and plus, the extreme cold here does a number on my EYES! The rest of me is full of boundless energy. But my eyes are so tired. I thank you for your friendship and encouragement and I do think that I need to just BE STILL and let more inspiration come and just remember that all I can do is one thing at a time!

GIVE THE HORSES A BIG HUG!!!! Hugs to you, Anita

Sarah said...

Kelley, I'm learning from you and others. Photography is an art form all its own. Thanks for sharing the before and afters and sharing this good advice. ~ Sarah

Sheila said...

how beautiful, i love all your pics. You can see the difference though. Well done you for trying something different!


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